Helen Zaltzman’s “ Adventures in Podcasting” series.

“ Lessons in getting an indie podcast off the ground” by Kaitlin Prest via CBC’s The Doc Project.“ The Alex Kapelman Guide to the Creation of a Dope Project: 9 Tips to keep indie podcasters happy, sane and moving forward” by Alex Kapelman via AIR.“ How To Create Your Own Podcast - And Become A Star” by Jenna Weiss-Berman via BUST.Hindenburg editing software: Intuitive editing software with great support.Our friends Julie Shapiro & company at Radiotopia and Podquest compiled a few fabulous resources for aspiring podcasters that might also be of interest: An audio engineer’s tips for improving your podcast’s sound quality.This American Life’s guide to making great radio.Transom - tool reviews, tips, and insights into what makes great audio.AIR - amazing peer-to-peer community for audio makers.Our most frequently-recommended resources: Whether you’re still in the creative daydreaming phase, or ready to take your show to the next level, you’ll find help here on taking the next step… and the next.